Monday, January 28, 2008


So I guess I should start this by welcoming you to the blog.

Welcome to the blog.

There. You've been welcomed. Come in. Take off your coat, sit down, make yourself at home. Great. Are you comfortable? Great. Now, lets talk for a minute or two.

What is the point of this blog?
Good question. We have stories and we want to tell them. We know that there's a pretty good chance no one will ever find this blog or take the time to read its contents, but that's cool. We're not writing stories for other people. The point isn't to bring random people we have never met some sense of satisfaction. The point isn't even to be discovered and end up on Oprah, though admittedly that would be pretty cool. The point, put simply, is to write. If our writing somehow brings you pleasure than we'll consider that a nice bonus.

Feel free to enjoy our work to your heart's content.


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